
Your AAITE membership includes the following benefits:

A Seat at the Table 

Join an AAITE working committee to help shape the future of the profession; visit the Committees page to see a description of each. Associate members can also vote on elections and hold office on the Board.

A Voice at the National Level

AAITE collaborates where possible with other nationally-recognized organizations to advocate on behalf of translators and interpreters in education.

No-Cost Access to Edu-Talks

Hear from nationally and internationally recognized experts in the fields of translation and interpreting and connect with fellow interpreters, translators and other language access advocates to share your experiences, network with colleagues, build a community, and learn. You will also have exclusive members-only access to recordings of previous Edu-Talks.

Discounts on Other Professional Development Opportunities

Receive member discounts on additional professional development opportunities such as Edu-Workshops, that take a deep dive into topics specifically geared towards translators and interpreters in education.


Join a growing community of interpreters and translators in education, where you can pose questions to fellow colleagues, and help those seeking input.

Public Directory

A public directory is a great way for potential clients to reach members who contribute to their profession by joining a professional organization.

Member Recognition

Download your Member Badge to show your commitment to the profession and to your own professional development by being part of AAITE.

Membership Types: Join now for membership through December 2024!

Memberships are calendar-based (January 1st - December 31st). You may choose from the membership types listed below:

  • Associate Member: open to interpreters, translators, and any individual who shares and promotes the mission and vision of AAITE. (Voting membership) - $60/year
  • Student Member: open to any student enrolled in a full-time interpreting or translation program at a recognized institution. Failure to submit proof of full-time student enrollment (current ID card & Registrar's class printout) within 30 days of start or renewal of membership will result in account termination .(Non-voting membership) - $25/year
  • Corporate Member: open to any for-profit business entity with an interest in interpreting and/or translation in education. (Non-voting membership) - $300/year
  • Institutional Member: open to any early education or K-12 institution, any governmental organization, or any not-for-profit non-governmental organization with an interest in interpreting and/or translation in education. (Includes 5 individual membership profiles. Additional profiles can be added. Non-voting membership) - $250/year

Give the gift of membership!  Send your recipient’s name and email address to [email protected] so we may invoice you, and notify them of your gift.

Please note that memberships are non-refundable; all sales are final.

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